Saturday, November 17, 2012

Which couple will survive?

We told you someone would be breaking up on "The Vampire Diaries" before Thanksgiving, and if you were paying attention to the way the music swelled during Stefan and Elena's goodbye kiss last week, you probably got a clue that it was going to be their last one for a while. On tonight's incredibly anxiety-inducing episode, "We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes," the show's "epic" duo split... but will it last this time?

Elena was definitely in a post-traumatic state when she confessed to Stefan that things have changed between her and Damon. She'd been plagued by horrifying visions of Connor, her first victim. These hallucinations caused her to stab her brother in the neck, stake Stefan, and listen to relentless flagellation from Katherine.

When she got to Wickery Bridge, where her parents died, Elena saw her mother. Miranda Gilbert practically sweet-talked her daughter into killing herself by removing her ring, the way that Elena's bio-mom, Isobel, did.  Elena tossing her ring off the bridge didn't lead to her death, but it did have some powerful symbolism, particularly when you think about the romantic moment when Stefan put the ring on her finger.

Despite what she'd been through, Elena's emotional confession wasn't the result of exhaustion. Instead, she was doing her best to be honest with Stefan -- and by extension, with Damon -- about her feelings, and how they've changed since she made her "choice."

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